Image Dimension

Phone1080 x 2400
Tablet800 x 1240
Desktop1920 x 1080



a.1 Spread the wallpapers by rt/qt-ing or copy the post's link.a.2 When sharing as your wallpaper, kindly mention my account.

Other Sites

By including the Twitter handle or the Twitter link, post images with the appropriate credits.


If you see the wallpapers uploaded by someone without credits, please DM me on twitter and help report the post. I do not place watermark on my photos because I personally think it looks awkward for my username to be in someone's wallpaper.

Edit Request/Suggestion

All requests/suggestions must be sent in the DMs unless I asked for suggestions on a Twitter post.

Photo Request

Send an HQ Photo of the group / members or the link of the image. You may also suggest a theme you desire for the photo.


If you want to request a wallpaper that only displays an individual member, you have to submit solo pics of all of them. As an OT6 fan, I edit for all of the members. Asking for an edit for a particular member/s will not be accepted.

Concept/Theme Request

It is preferable to include a reference photo with a description.ex. hi! can you try creating a vaporware-inspired wallpaper similar to this? [reference img]


If you noticed that there is a wrong spelling or wrong information on my edits, please DM me so I can correct it.